Origins of the Coventry Tree Warden Network (CTWN)
The development of the network:
The Coventry Tree Warden Network (CTWN) was constituted in the Spring of 2014. Throughout the summer meetings were held at the London Road Cemetery, the War Memorial Park, Coombe Abbey and in the woods around Canley and the Kenilworth Road.
Our presence at the Godiva Festival, the London Road Cemetery during the Heritage Weekend and at Ward Forums was successful in increasing the membership of the group.
Areas in which the Tree Warden Network (CTWN) may become involved
Around Coventry and its environs trees and hedgerows are found in:
• Local woodlands.
• Local parks.
• Cemeteries & Churchyards.
• Green Spaces.
• Green corridors.
• Along the roadsides.
Some of these areas may already have a volunteer group looking after them such as the War Memorial Park or the London Road Cemetery.
The CTWN would want to work with existing volunteer and community groups and encourage the formation of new volunteer groups in areas where no such group exists at present.
The numerous activities in the role of Tree warden:
Tree Wardens can get involved with a range of activities, from practical projects such as planting and caring for trees to gathering information about local trees and developing imaginative projects to encourage others – including schoolchildren – to value their local trees and woods.